Our Programs

We empower economically and politically marginalized people in rural Honduras to create stronger, more resilient, and self-sufficient communities.

  • Group building with corrugated metal sheeting

    Community Engagement

    We partner with the communities we serve through community-determined projects with local leadership boards known as "Patronatos" who help prioritize and evaluate direction; developing shared assets such as the building of the community center, health clinic, schools, and lending library; and shared decision-making with all community members.

  • Child playing a ukulele


    We support education through long-term investments in educational access. This support includes a supervised boarding house for students from families in San Jose for whom daily travel distance to school would be a barrier, funding for required uniforms and supplies, tutoring, and scholarship support for university study.

  • Two children with bowls


    We support healthy children and families through a weekly nutrition program for 0-5-year-olds in San Jose and Plan Grande, as well as a health clinic and full-time nursing services in San Jose. We also sponsor affordable water filtration systems, solar lights, charging stations, roofs, and floors for health and safety promotion.

  • Group of girls and young women

    Girls Empowerment

    We support after-school programming for girls that encourages leadership, positive social interaction, and academic tutoring.

  • Women and girls sitting with decorative baskets


    We support various projects that foster sustainable businesses, including the Women's cooperative that makes pine needle baskets for sale in Honduras and the U.S.

  • Woman and child on a horse

    Eco-Gardening & Agriculture

    We educate and train communities in composting and sustainable agriculture.